
Atomy Contractor

The company was founded by South Korean businessman Han Gill Park in 2009.
During the first 15 years of the company’s existence, he implemented all his ideas, making ATOMY the fastest-growing network company.
Atomy total sales were $6 billion in the first 11 years. The next 6 billion were achieved in just 4 years – almost 3 times faster – from 2020 to 2023.

From the very beginning, Atomy chose such an advanced option for direct sales for its development that it immediately became clear to specialists that Atomy was no longer an MLM business in the traditional sense of these words.
The company is more like a Consumer Club with a unique deep-down referral system. The main proof of this fact is the complete exemption of Atomy’s partners from all types of financial extortions. There are no risks or obligations for Atomy consumers and partners.
There is NO registration fee. NO annual fee for the Atomy membership. NO “starter pack” requirements.

The most surprising fact is the complete absence of the “Autoship” concept – there are no mandatory monthly purchases for Atomy consumers and contractors. We buy Atomy products only when we need them!
• No mandatory purchases!
• No Home Depots!
• No personal selling!
• No inflated prices!
All consumers and partners of the company purchase Atomy products at the same minimum possible price, regardless of the volume of purchase!
*Fact No. 2 and Fact No. 3 – this is a revolution in the direct selling industry!

Atomy does not compete with other MLM companies, but successfully competes with the entire trading world, having implemented a unique business concept:
Comparing Atomy products with products of the same high quality in other brands, Atomy prices are usually significantly lower than the prices of competitors.

The consumer concept of the Atomy company is called “MASSTIGE”. This word comes from the merger of two other words – Massive and Prestigious.
The idea of the company is to make prestigious and high-quality products available to the mass consumer.
The company successfully copes with this task! Atomy consumers & contractors often manage to switch to higher quality Premium Class products without increasing purchase costs, and sometimes even saving part of the family budget.

The Atomy company maintains a balanced financial policy and does NOT skimp only on the QUALITY of products, operating exclusively with Premium Class goods.
- Part of that balance is a one-of-a-kind policy that caps maximum payments for first income at $25,000 per month.
- Even more restrictions, in terms of overall cost savings, are imposed on the company’s management staff.
All this allows Atomy to maintain an extremely low price and win the competition with the most famous trading platforms.

Unlike most world famous online stores (Amazon, eBay, Ali Baba, etc.)
Atomy creates its own infrastructure in each individual country, placing local warehouses there and certifying its products in accordance with local regulations.
This exempts Atomy buyers from any form of customs duties and ensures fast delivery of orders.

Atomy has the largest network of members in the world – about 20 million active consumers and contractors at the end of 2023.
Thanks to a smart and balanced financial policy, prices for high-quality Atomy products for customers are very attractive.
Our regular customers have been using Atomy products not only for months but for years, which in turn provides the most stable Residual Income for Atomy partners around the world.

Atomy is the first, and so far the only MLM company that allows its own consumers to receive a commission, even if they did not personally bring a single customer or contractor to the company, but only received the so-called “overflow” from mentors, which can lead to commission payouts of the binary system set up by the platform.
In addition, Atomy consumers have the right to start building their own business within the company at any time.

FACT #10
Atomy is an absolutely risk-free business in which it is even theoretically impossible to lose money since absolutely no capital is required to participate in the business!
Enjoy high-quality Atomy products!
Start attracting consumers and business partners to build your own successful business within the company.
Qualify for an exciting trip to South Korea at the expense of the company! Learn more about K-culture and Korean products!
Treat your loved ones and friends to exclusive K-beauty, K-health, and K-living products!
MLM business? - not for me
atomy success academy, testimony
The owner of a natural health clinic from the USA shared the story of his first introduction to Atomy Products. “I always say – NO!” to MLM.
I bought a few products (thanks to my Dentist). I gave them to my staff, family, and some patients, and I quickly got the feedback.
Everyone said that the quality and the price were excellent! I understood that Atomy has no hooks!
It’s an honest and open organization, and what I love about Atomy is –“we all work together”…Atomy helps people find their Financial Freedom!

Tamara and Victor, Canada
We get great pleasure from calls and text messages from friends and acquaintances with gratitude for Atomy products, which almost everyone likes.
On our own behalf, we will say that we started buying products as consumers. We didn’t want to hear anything about the business.
A month later, we fell in love with the products and realized that we had to share these wonderful products with our loved ones and friends.
That’s how it started for us! We didn’t even expect such an outcome!
When we received our first commission we began to take an interest in business and learn more information on YouTube. Everything happened naturally.
Now we can’t even say that this is a business! For us, this is a hobby from which we get great pleasure!
My husband and I have been in the Network Marketing industry for 25 years, but we have never had such a comfortable business!

Oleg, Russia
20 years ago, I had a “bitter” experience working in a network company. I never imagined myself as a contractor of a product company. All I needed was 15 minutes of fine conversation with my mentor – and I was in!
I radically changed my opinion thanks to Atomy’s marketing system. The company is rewriting the history of MLM and gives people the opportunity to buy as much as they need and whenever they want.
No one here owes anyone anything. Doing business stress-free and with pleasure.

Oksana and Nick, USA
I was very interested in the products. I was just a consumer for about a year, and I couldn’t even imagine I would one day have my online store, thanks to my mentor for recognizing me as a partner.
Meetings, events, new friends, and training have become part of my life. I love my team very much, and the company’s principles have changed my attitude toward life.
The words of our motto do not leave me indifferent to people. Dream vividly ~ see you in the Imperials!!!